John The Wine Guy

Hi guys! Hopefully you all know me by now as John the wine guy, but I thought was a about time that I share a bit more on my background and some fun facts so you can get to know me better.

My name is actually John and I have been working in the hospitality trade since I was about 18. I’ve worked in Bars, cafe’s and restaurants through various stages of management before moving into drinks sales and then into hospitality recruitment. Wine has always been a personal passion of mine and in 2020 I managed to carve about a budding career in the wine trade.

Before March 2020 (and Covid) I had been running a successful recruitment business called Love Hospitality. Trading for over 5 years the Corona virus pandemic stopped all work almost immediately. At that time I had several people at various stages of interviews and offers and then within 48 hours it was gone! There was an overwhelming feeling of…what now? Alongside a feeling of guilt for the people I had been helping through the job search and how I wasn’t now able to offer anything more.

I planned and planed and planned for about 3 months before coming to the realisation that this was going to be a long pause on my business and that I needed to look at other avenues.

Wine has always been something i have enjoyed learning about. I have been on various vineyard tours in Europe and always been amazed at the complexity and history of the wine and how it is made. That is often accompanied with rolling vistas and beautiful sunshine which makes the world of wine even more appealing!

With my newly enforced break I finally booked myself onto a wine course with the Wine and Spirit Education Trust. For those who don’t know, they provide globally recognised qualifications in wine and spirits and have been around since the late 1960’s.

I’ve now completed my WSET Level 2 and 3 in wines and am looking forwards to various other qualifications including diplomas, European scholars in wine and sommelier courses.

I continue to work at Ridgeview Winery which has been an amazing experience and to see the lifecycle of the grape from vine to bottle has been amazing.  For me it doesn’t matter how much you read in text books, to see the process is far more memorable!

Recruitment will always be there, but I am enjoying being in the wine industry so much that it now feels like this new path is the right way for me to go!

Fun facts :

Where I call home?
Sunny Brighton by the sea.

Favourite tipple away from wine?
I love a Negroni! I recently discovered this little gem of a pre mix – it’s exceptional and dangerously drinkable!

Favourite wine?
Has to be Red and would probably go for a Pinot noir. Alternatively a nice Barolo from Northern Italy

Favourite holiday destination for wine?
Well this is actually a tricky questions and probably answerable in 2 parts. Where I can recommend and where I would like to go!

One of my most memorable trips was to Santorini in Greece. At the time it was a prefect relaxation after what had been a stressful few months. The weather was incredible and it was an all round great trip. We were hugely impressed with the white wine there and this from Argyros Estate was top notch!

I would also highly recommend a trip to Bordeaux to take in the sites of the Cite Du Vin – a very modern museum with so much information to take in you could easily while away a day.

With regards to where I would like to visit…Burgundy is very high on my list. I’m 40 soon and am considering a cycling holiday in that region which seems like as good as excuse as any!

Where I hope to take my wine career?
I’m looking at way’s to educate others within the wine world and am also looking at opening a wine bar in Brighton in the future. Watch this space!

That’s me for now. If you want to ask me any more questions I’m always happy to help and I’ll speak to you all again soon

John the wine guy

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